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Understanding the role of metabolomics in TCM treatments for coronary heart disease

In this article, researchers from China discussed the application of metabolomics in the early diagnosis, the discovery of biomarkers and the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). This review was published in the Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines.

  • TCM has gained the gradual acceptance of the international community in recent years.
  • However, scientific understanding of the methods and theories used in TCM is still lacking.
  • Traditional risk factors also do not promote the detection and prevention of myocardial infarction (MI) among patients with CAD.
  • The researchers emphasized the lack of an objective system of evaluation for the therapeutic mechanism of TCM and the need for new technologies.
  • On the other hand, the development of omics technology, especially metabolomics, has allowed scientists to predict the level of metabolites in vivo and diagnose the physiological state of the body.
  • Metabolomics is a powerful tool that can help promote the modernization of TCM and its development into personalized medicine.
  • It can also help researchers identify biomarkers for the different stages and types of CAD.

The researchers believe that metabolomics will not only improve current treatments for CAD, it will also help elucidate the mechanism behind the therapeutic effects of TCM on patients with CAD.

Journal Reference:

Wu GS, Li HK, Zhang WD. METABOLOMICS AND ITS APPLICATION IN THE TREATMENT OF CORONARY HEART DISEASE WITH TRADITIONAL CHINESE MEDICINE. Chinese Journal of Natural Medicines. 20 May 2019;17(5):321–330. DOI: 10.1016/s1875-5364(19)30037-8

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