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Obese people must work at home under coronavirus reopening guidelines in UK

Great Britain has officially unveiled its incremental plan for reopening the country post-coronavirus. And you might say that one of the new restrictions falls into the category of what liberals have come to dub as “fat shaming.”

According to the Daily Mail, workplaces all throughout the country are being completely revamped to keep people as far away from each other as possible. And one of the changes being made is that fat people will have to work from home, even if this means finding them a new role at their companies.

Because morbid obesity is said to be a major risk factor for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), the British government wants all larger folks, as well as the elderly and the pregnant, to stay away from everyone else and do their business in isolation at home.

Fat people are being categorized as “vulnerable,” in other words, and thus subject to extended stay-at-home orders that could go on for years, officials say. Meanwhile, thinner people who are allowed to come into work will have to eat lunch alone, use photocopiers alone, and avoid any areas that facilitate congregating.

A draft of the U.K.’s back-to-work dossier reveals that there will be no return to pre-pandemic normality for the foreseeable future. Workers will not be allowed inside cafeterias, nor will they all be allowed to work together at the same time, with staggering shifts and times of being at the office.

Certain areas of offices will also be cordoned off with ropes or tape to prevent people from going there. Everyone will instead be told to sit in their offices or cubicles alone and work in total isolation at all times.

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks about how Big Pharma is pulling a lot of strings behind the scenes to keep people enslaved like this forever, or at least until a Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine is unveiled:

You’ll only be allowed a tad more freedom than others if you weigh less than they do

Health officials in the U.K. have been ordered to conduct an investigation into why fat people are more at risk of catching the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). They, along with certain ethnic minorities, are said to be more prone to suffering complications from the disease, and authorities want to know why.

Until then, obese people will apparently have no choice but to stay at home while the government sorts things out and comes up with a special plan of release for its larger members of society. Just a few years ago, in fact, it was considered fat shaming simply for Google to have a calorie-counter on its search page.

The rules have apparently changed in the age of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), where people are now being singled-out based on their size, gender and ethnicity. The idea of “one human family” no longer applies, and if you fail to meet the government’s criteria for being a “safe” human being, then you may be stuck inside forever.

“What a strange virus,” wrote one Daily Mail commenter about the situation. “It comes out of nowhere. Everyone has it. But nobody knows anyone who has it. It becomes the sole cause of death as all other causes of death disappear.”

“Shall we just hide away every time there’s another virus outbreak?” wrote another. “In all honesty I think I’d rather take a chance, and enjoy a decent life. We’ve seen many other outbreaks and some people have unfortunately died, but the world goes on. Life is for living and we’re only here once.”

How this is being accepted in a place as “progressive” as England is anyone’s guess, especially since this type of fat-shaming never would have been acceptable prior to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

More of the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) is available at

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