Health News

WHO declares no second wave, diverging (for now) from Bill Gates

After months of warning about a so-called “second wave,” the World Health Organization (WHO) has suddenly changed its tune and is now saying that it is “increasingly” unlikely that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) will make a subsequent hit.

Departing from the policies and modeling set forth by Bill Gates, one of the WHO’s biggest donors, María Neira is calling for “great caution” and “common sense” during what she described as a “very critical” phase of the pandemic: the de-escalation process.

In a statement, Neira indicated that the general public need not be paranoid nor excessively relaxed. Instead, we all just need to “learn to live with infectious diseases” – you know, the way we always have.

“There are many models that advance many probabilities,” Neira stated. “They speak from a punctual regrowth to a major wave, but this last possibility is increasingly being ruled out. We are much better prepared in all areas.”

“We have lowered the transmission rate so much that the virus will have difficulty surviving,” she further added. “We must be very careful to say whether this is the end of the wave, but the data at least shows us that the transmission and explosion of the first weeks have been avoided.”

As for making any future forecasts, Neira says it is not worth even attempting because the only way to truly know what will happen next is to wait and see.

“With the reopening, you have to see how the virus behaves,” she says.

“We hope there will be no other outbreaks, but it will be a day-to-day battle. In two or three weeks we will see what has happened and if it is necessary to correct it surgically.”

Listen below to The Health Ranger Report as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, talks with Dr. Paul Cottrell about the latest news concerning the riots, the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), and censorship of the truth:

Will heat and sunlight get rid of this thing for good? The WHO isn’t sure

As for how the novel virus will behave now that summer is in full swing here in the Northern Hemisphere, Neira says the WHO cannot yet offer an opinion. We do know, however, that sunlight and warm weather increase natural immunity, which is antithetical to viruses.

This about-face by the WHO in terms of de-escalating its own warnings about a second wave has been met with much criticism. Some have suggested that the WHO’s recommendations have been “incoherent,” while others believe that the WHO is simply adapting to new information and observations.

The United States was the first country to push back against the WHO’s earlier predictive contagion model, which predicted wide-scale death and destruction by summer. This has not actually occurred, however, and it all points back to Bill Gates, the vaccine-obsessed eugenicist who put forth these failed models.

Anthony Fauci is also to blame, as he and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had also warned of serious consequences if people refused to social distance and businesses started to reopen too early. As it turns out, the shutdowns themselves resulted in a whole slew of other negative consequences, not the least of which include massive unemployment.

“The impact of those shut-downs in terms of health and lives has already exceeded the realized consequence of the virus pandemic itself,” writes Joaquin Flores for “In the US alone, a 1% increase in unemployment indirectly causes some 37,000 deaths.”

Be sure to read the rest of Flores’ analysis at this link.

You can also keep up with the latest news about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) by checking out

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