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Totalitarian politicians painting anti-vaxxers as enemies of the state

A history professor denounced totalitarian politicians who paint those opposing Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines as enemies of the state. He also outlined the process of how these politicians villainize people in a Jan. 10 op-ed.

Writing for the Brownstone Institute, State University of New York College at Cortland (SUNY Cortland) assistant professor Jared McBrady cited instances of prospective history teachers tackling the issue of totalitarianism in mock lessons. The SUNY Cortland website states that McBrady’s specialty is on the scholarship of teaching and learning in history, as well as the preparation of history teachers from kindergarten up to university level.

“Whether coincidence or a reflection of the times, a good number of mock lessons this fall covered the rise of totalitarianism. The purpose of teaching on totalitarianism is to deliver a warning: Heed well the conditions that yielded totalitarianism, so you can recognize and avoid them.”

McBrady cited a passage from a textbook used in one of the lessons, one which concerned him the most. The passage said: “Totalitarian leaders often create ‘enemies of the state’ to blame for things that go wrong. Often, these groups are easily identified and are subjected to campaigns of terror and violence. They may be forced to live in certain areas or are subjected to rules that apply only to them.”

According to the history professor, such a process requires “othering” – in which certain groups of people are marginalized as something different. Othered groups become easy scapegoats for a society’s problems, McBrady added.


“Now, some politicians are othering the ‘unvaccinated.’ These politicians attempt to scapegoat and marginalize this minority group, despite knowing that vaccinated and unvaccinated persons alike can contract and spread COVID-19.”

Biden, Trudeau, Macron “othering” the unvaxxed

McBrady then cited statements by the leaders of the U.S., France and Canada against their unvaccinated citizens. He pointed out that these leaders “employed several practices of othering” in the language they used.

First, he pointed to President Joe Biden’s Sept. 9, 2021 White House press conference where he announced COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Biden took aim at what he called the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” during the press briefing. He said: “Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated. We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us.” (Related: “King” Biden blames “unvaccinated” Americans for COVID vaccine mandate as red states line up around the block to sue.)

Second, he referenced Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Sept. 17, 2021 interview with a Quebec talk show. He dubbed those opposed to the COVID-19 vaccine as “misogynists” and “racists,” asking if Canadians would tolerate such people. “There is a small, fringe element in this country that is angry; that doesn’t believe in science [and] that is lashing out with racist, misogynistic attacks. But the vast majority of Canadians are not represented by them,” Trudeau said.

Third, he quoted French President Emmanuel Macron’s remarks in a Jan. 4, 2022 interview with the Le Parisien newspaper. He called the “small minority” of unvaccinated French citizens as “the worst enemies of democracy” and promised to pressure them into vaccination by limiting their freedoms. Macron added: “How do we reduce that minority? We reduce it – sorry for the expression – by pissing them off even more.” (Related: French president reveals strategy: Enrage the unvaccinated as much as possible.)

Different strategies, same goal

McBrady pointed out five particular strategies in the statements that promoted “othering” the unvaccinated. All three used an “us versus them” strategy in their wording and blamed the “them” group for the government’s COVID-19 policies.

Biden and Macron used words to signal the “us” group to be angry at the othered group – with Biden expressing the frustration of many Americans and Macron wanting to enrage the unvaccinated.

Macron and Trudeau both used labels that devalued the unvaccinated in their statements. The French leader called them “enemies of democracy,” while the Canadian leader called them “racists” and “misogynists.” Both leaders also posted questions on how to eliminate the minority, with Trudeau asking if Canadians would tolerate the unvaccinated and Macron asking how they would be reduced.

McBrady concluded by saying that his op-ed serves as “a warning call” for people. “We have seen these conditions before, and we have seen where they lead. Turn back now – that way leads to darkness,” he said.

Watch the video below of Paul Joseph Watson explaining why the “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is an absurd idea.

This video is from the Rick Langley channel on has more about politicians worldwide othering the unvaccinated.

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